Patient Support Through Chaperone Services

Feel secure during medical consultations with the support of our trained chaperones.

How Our Chaperone Policy Works

Our chaperone policy is designed to protect both patients and staff from abuse and to help patients make informed choices about their examinations and consultations.

What is a chaperone?

A chaperone is a trained member of the surgery’s staff who is available to be in a consultation with you if you feel that the procedure or examination may make you feel vulnerable or uncomfortable. They are there to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.


Do I have to have a chaperone?

No, you don’t have to have a chaperone, but they are available if you want someone in the room with you.


How do I request a chaperone?

Preferably you can request a chaperone at the time of booking the appointment – this gives us enough time to make sure that someone will be available at the time of your appointment. But if not, you can request a chaperone at the time of the appointment – on occasion, a chaperone may not be available and in this instance, we can reschedule the appointment.

If you request a chaperone at the time of the appointment, either ask a receptionist or ask the clinician – they will record your request in your notes and will organise for a chaperone to come to your appointment. 


What will a chaperone do in my appointment?

A chaperone will enter the room discreetly and remain in the room until the clinician has finished the examination. The chaperone will normally attend inside the privacy curtain at the head of the examination couch and watch the procedure.

To prevent embarrassment, the chaperone will not enter into conversation with yourself or the GP unless requested to do so, and will not make any mention of the consultation afterwards. The chaperone will make a record in your notes after the consultation that they attended and will make a note of any problems.


Do I have to accept the chaperone who is offered to me?

No, you do not have to accept the chaperone who is offered to you, but if there is no-one else available, your appointment will have to be rescheduled for a time when another chaperone is available.